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Avalon Malibu Trauma Treatment Center

When individuals arrive at the Grand House at Avalon , they are often unsure of what lies ahead.  They only desire to get to a place where suffering subsides. People who have faced and suffered Trauma more often than not, attempt to move on when trauma occurs and therefore never really correctly process the emotions that were produced by such trauma. Often they stuff their feelings or begin to self medicate to alleviate pain and fear, suffered with Trauma.Psychological trauma is defined as a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. Trauma experiences assault ones sense of security, making the individual feel helpless and vulnerable.  Clients who suffer with trauma may feel unmoving, disconnected, and unable to trust other people. Therapy is required in order to confront the feelings and to get over the pain to feel safe and well again.

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When a person experiences a Trauma situation, it more than likely involves a threat to life or safety. Feeling overwhelmed and alone can also be traumatic, even if it doesn’t involve physical harm. Trauma is not determined by objective facts but it is determined by ones subjective emotional experience of an occurrence. The more frightened and helpless one feels, the more likely they are to be traumatized.Sometimes trauma can remain in a person’s body and psyche for years.  It is possible to heal and experience freedom from Trauma.  At Avalon Malibu ( our revolutionary treatment provides the strategies, and support needed to speed malibu recovery. Whether the traumatic event happened years ago or yesterday, it is possible to heal and move on.There are many causes of Trauma and often Trauma can occur in childhood.  As an individual grows into maturity, it can be persistent and have long lasting effects on the emotional and psychological well being of the individual. Trauma can be caused by one-time occurrences, such as a death, a surprise or violent confrontation, a natural disaster, or any other calamity. Trauma can also stem from ongoing, unyielding stress.  People have situations that press them on a daily basis that can create Trauma, such as a person living in a crime-ridden neighborhood or struggling with a disease like cancer.

Avalon Malibu Treatment Centers In Malibu

An experience will most likely lead to emotional or psychological trauma if it is an unexpected. When a person is unprepared for an incident it can be a traumatic surprise that incites fear and worry. Trauma also arises when a happening occurs where the individual feels powerless.  Bullying is an example of repeated stressful situations where someone is intentionally cruel. This can traumatize an individual.Trauma is a serious debilitating situation.  Many people do not even notice they have Trauma, due to the Trauma being pushed aside because it has been too painful to face.  Often individuals tend to self medicate with drugs or alcohol, to avoid facing the pain of Trauma.When Trauma is properly faced as it occurs, the symptoms and feelings typically last from a few days to a few months. They can gradually fade as the trauma is processed. Feelings may pop up from time to time and need to be expressed and faced in an ongoing treatment.

Addiction – a disorder involuntary ?

Some people argue that addiction is self inflicted . While it is true that the initial choice of test substance is voluntary , experimentation and the limit test is a normal part of growing up.
Addiction is a bit like the lottery, there is really no way to accurately predict who will become addicted to alcohol through “normal” or other drugs. Peer pressure and the availability of drugs influencing young people, but not everyone exposed to these two factors do become addicted . And once addiction develops drug use is mandatory , not voluntary .

Some say that the reasons for initially trying drugs are hereditary , but usually those who experience very nice responses to the substance are more likely to use again, until the addictive cycle kicks in. When in the addictive cycle comes action depends on what drugs are being used , and in particular for youth is the experimentation with drugs is very risky as we have no way of determining who is more likely to become addicted .

Unfortunately drug addiction causes changes in brain pathways that continue long after substance abuse has ended so it is impossible for that person to effectively monitor alcohol and other drugs.

Get more information ON “malibu addiction cure center” Visit Our Website visit us :- 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy,Ste 376 Malibu, CA 90265

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luxury addiction treatment center : We believe that the issues we face do not define who or what we are. They are an invitation to look again at the choices that we make and the reality that we have created.

Visit us :- 30765 Pacific Coast Hwy,Ste 376 Malibu, CA 90265, Tel :- 8889587511